Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Things I don't like # 9 - Odd Personal Scratching

People that take off their shoes and socks in public to make sure that they can give their feet a good scratch with their overgrown fingernails. Then, calmly put their shoes and socks back on and start touching things.  I had to witness this and try not to vomit while on an airplane. And it went like this:

Man in his 50's takes of his shoes and socks.  He aggressively digs in to those itchy feet and gives them a good scratch. I try not to cringe and attempt to keep reading my magazine. I am sitting directly behind him in the aisle seat. He is probably glad to have the aisle seat. Do you know how I can tell? Because he takes his bare foot and starts grinding it into the carpet, leg fully extended into the aisle, because his nails were insufficient scratching tools. He really got into this. His grunts of pleasure were really quite enough to freak me right the hell out. Finally, he is done molesting the carpet and gives his foot a little love tap before he covers them once more. I don't know about any of you, but this idea would never cross my mind as being good and odd personal itching definitely is something I don't like.

Sorrow and Surprises

After the game between Italy and Spain the other day, I was feeling quite down....and a little lost.  Spain just beat Italy. The words didn't even sound right in my head. After a typical defensive showing by Italy and a tied up (0-0) game (add on the extra 15's), I was certain that the penalty kicks were going to move Italy right along into the semi-finals. (This is something the Italians are good at....you can imagine my shock). It took a little soul searching, but I realized that there are still good things to come. Germany is still in and will be playing Turkey tomorrow. Then, Russia and Spain play Thursday. Germany! Oh Dearest Ones! And Russia! I would not say I started out as a Russian fan, but I am pleased as punch to see what they have been doing. The Russia vs. Netherlands game was a stunner and I really hope they continue to "throw down" with Spain (by God they will need it!) because seeing Germany (I am already assuming they pummel the Turks) play Russia in the final would be pretty freaking cool. (Does anyone see the humor in a possible Motherland vs. Fatherland showing?) My point of this brief blog post is to remind  all of you soccer hooligans, that even if your team doesn't win, there is still something magic in the game. There is still that team that seems to come out of no where and play brilliantly. When that happens, it really doesn't matter if they are your team or not because you still get to watch some damn good playing. Yes, I prefer Italy, but at least I still have Germany. And, I get to watch Russia continue to improve with each game.  I will take the sorrow and the surprises because for better or worse, this game is what dreams are made of.  :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

#10 - Small women, big SUVs, recycling

I am going to preface this rant with the fact that I recycle. I think it is totally necessary and I enjoy doing it. I will load up the Jetta with glass, aluminum, paper, tin, etc and spend 20 minutes on a Saturday helping the planet. Sure. And, I will do it knowing that this is not the only thing I do to reduce my ecological impact. It is not a trade-off. Which brings me to the rant......

Small Women with Big SUVs at the recycling center: Being into snowsports and living in Alaska, I realize that a car will not haul four snowmachines or take the entire ski team up the mountain. Indeed, many people do not even have driveways which can be accessed by vehicles without 4-wheel drive. I am sympathetic. But, there will always be those people who insist they need the space. There will always be those people who believe that if they only had the space to fit everything they own into one vehicle (even if they won't ever do it, they want to know they could if they wanted to) they would be happy. They are dying for that moment when someone says "I am moving this weekend and I just don't have the space with my little car". It is that moment that they live for - the instant justification of their Ford Excursion. I digress....

I happened upon this person at the recycling center unloading her two bags of wine bottles. I noticed an empty rig and no tow hitch (meaning she did not need to haul around 5 children nor did she have anything to tow). I was already annoyed with life and her presence was irritating.  I also couldn't get over the American flags and Pro Bush trappings covering the back of her vehicle. Yeah...support our troops, but use as much gas as you can to continue to perpetuate our reliance on foreign oil. Good plan. She is talking on her Blue Tooth earpiece "Yeah, I am at the recycling center. I had to bring the Ford to fit all the bags. No. Just getting done...." blah blah blah. What bloody bags? There were two!  I felt like I fit half of the recycling in Juneau in the trunk of my VW. 

So...that is irritating. Those that drive the biggest possible vehicle that they can find for no other reason than the fact that it is huge. Get a car with better gas mileage if you really want to improve the ecological outlook..

Start of 10 Things I don't like.

There are things that I don't like. Of course, there are more than 10, but I have to prioritize. This list is not going to be the "Top 10" because they are in no particular order. My level of dislike for things that make the list is subject to change. And, as I am perpetually stubborn, things will likely not be dropped from the list. This whole thing is an opportunity for me to rant....I enjoy ranting. :)