Friday, July 11, 2008

Things I Don't Like - Australia vs. Austria

I know how to spell Austria. A-U-S-T-R-I-A. I also know how to spell Australia. They are two different countries....and they are spelled completely different. Why the hell is it, when I search for anything with AUSTRIA in it, I get results that contain AUSTRALIA?????? This is starting to really rub me the wrong way. "Study in Austria" I get links to AUSTRALIA! Don't get me wrong, I still get plenty of links that contain Austria that come up, but I don't need Australia creeping in there. I mean, the Aussies must have some conspiracy going on.  Why the hell? Ug. If I was looking up Australia, I would have typed A-U-S-T-R-A-L-I-A and not A-U-S-T-R-I-A.  Frick! 


Faerylandmom said...

Can't say I've had that problem, but I do have a problem with people passing on mass emails that AREN'T TRUE, without checking them out first.

Anyway, I came here to tell you that I tagged you for a meme. I know YOU'VE got some unspectacular quirks hanging about. :-)

Faerylandmom said...

Can't say I've had that problem, but I do have a problem with people passing on mass emails that AREN'T TRUE, without checking them out first.

Anyway, I came here to tell you that I tagged you for a meme. I know YOU'VE got some unspectacular quirks hanging about. :-)