Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Husbands and Cookies :)

Well I'll be damned (or so the expression goes....)! I was up way too early this morning and there were two fun articles in the NYTimes: one on chocolate chip cookies and the other on the 'ideal' husband. Both were brilliant. 
I have learned (from reading both articles one after the other) that no matter how good your cookies are, marriages can't work between two profoundly different people (especially if one has a porn and swinger addiction).  I have pasted the links to both articles for your endless enjoyment. 

The Ideal Husband:

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bliss:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cookies and husbands are a few of my favorite things!

3k on porn? I'm really happy I am so darned frugal! I think any more than 50 a month is too much. If you are spending less than 50 when buying porn, you are probably buying bad porn. Good rule of thumb.